Message from the PresidentJANUARY 1, 2020A successful man (woman) is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have throw at him (her). - David Brinkley Dear Members and Sponsors, I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Bountiful 2020. So much is happening and as the 2020 President of The Attorneys' Real Estate Council of Broward County, Inc., I want to thank all the members and our sponsors for their support. It is a privilege and honor to serve this organization. Thank you for your faith and confidence. By now you should have received an email from our new Website giving you information on how to login. Please change your password and add any other fields you wish. 2020 AREC Membership dues are $175. Please pay them through the AREC Website at in the upper right corner click on the green PAYMENTS button. Our Holiday Party at Hugh's Catering was great success. We had an overflow crowd and the entertainment of Bill Crane was very enjoyed by all. We have several new financial sponsors and our sponsorships are up to $9,500 annually. Our first meeting of 2020 is on February 6, 2020 and will be at Tropical Acres Steakhouse. We will have other venues during the year in and around central Broward County. The CLE on February 6, 2020 is about eClosings & Remote Online Notary and is being presented by The Fund.
RSVP's to events are also done on the Website, after login. You will let us know if you are attending by RSVPing and choosing your dinner selection on the Website. [It goes without saying that you must have paid your 2020 dues to attend the February meeting]. Everyone getting this email is on the Membership list. On April 1, 2020, any member that has not paid the 2020 dues, will be moved to Inactive Status and until dues are paid, will be unable to access the Member only portion of the Website. So, please pay your dues to continue the benefits. If you no longer wish to be an active member of AREC, you need do nothing. On April 1, your name will be marked INACTIVE and you will no longer have access to the Members Only part of the Website, or be able to attend AREC activities until your dues are current. There is so many positive things happening, and we are anxious to tell you about them at the next meeting. Make sure to attend the February 6, 2020 meeting. My goals for AREC in 2020 are simple and setout below:
I do not know if I can get all this done, but I will do my best to make it happen and to continue to differentiate AREC from any other attorneys' real estate organization in the area. A lot has been accomplished the past two years and this year I want to finish what we started to position AREC for the future. I am blessed to have the advice and counsel of Libo Fineberg as the past president, and a solid board of Judy Bonevac, Patrice Tedescko and John Perloff. I am also blessed to have so many other members who serve as chairs of important committees. I would be remiss if I didn't recognize some of our Members that have been instrumental the past two years: Stephen Hoffman, who took the oars to revise the Bylaws and top prepare a survey. His advice and counsel have been an unseen help to the organization. John Hume who has chaired the membership committee and shepherded the many nominations through the process. Tom Oates, whose technology knowledge and experience have been a lifesaver. And, finally to our sponsors who have provided not only financial support but access to important education opportunities and special benefits. So, thank you all once again for the honor of being your 2020 president. If any of you wish to become more active in AREC, please let me know. A commitment of even 10 hours a year would be most helpful. 954-703-1619 |